



  How to correctly handle the "or", jinan agent company registration related knowledge


  Or contingencies that occurred, matters of business or a situation that its role to be in the future not judge things happen confirm or not.


  Follow the diversity of approach to China's economy and the development of the securities market, keep adding or contingencies, in accounting also often face some uncertain factors, demand for accountants to make analysis and discrimination. Together, follow market economy and the full development of the market risk increase, company operators often use or profit manipulation, deck, hidden risks, misleading investors, creditors, and the competent department of the state securities. Jinan company registration agents


  Then, the company should be how to deal with or have matters? Due to the particularity of or contingencies, the company should pay attention to when dealing with the following questions:


  The first is to confirm.


  To lose or issues of responsibility, should be clear whether meet three conditions: this is the company's responsibility for current job; The job is likely to cause economic benefits from the implementation of the company; The amount of the duty can be measured reliably. Assumptions or matters of duties can be satisfied with the above three conditions, should be a liability for think, as a "measure liabilities on the balance sheet, the corresponding or lose on the profit table. Not satisfied with the three conditions, as a contingent liability, cannot be admitted in the table.


  For profitability or matters of contingent asset, request according to the stability criterion, cannot be admitted. But when or revenue base judgement to complete, should separate confessed as an asset.


  The second is the measurement.


  Due to measured and confessed to measure liabilities or contingencies, the amount should be pay off the debt for spending the best measure of the number.


  For confession by or have assets measurement, confessed to the compensation amount shall not be more than the book value of the liability confessed.


  Announced after all should be aware of.


  Announced in the table. For contingencies and confessed to liabilities or measured (i.e. liabilities), shall be separately disclosed in the balance sheet, and accordingly declared in the notes to the financial; The relevant costs or expenses and confessed to liabilities should be after deducting the confession of the compensation, reflect in the profit table. That is in the balance sheet, and confessed to liabilities or contingencies should distinguish from the other liabilities, and shown separately in "measure liabilities" project, reflect separately. On admission liabilities or contingencies together, should be acknowledged a costs or expenses, the cost or expense in the profit table not separately disclosed, but according to the nature of the costs or expenses, and other expenses and expenses project profit table (such as operating costs, management costs, operating expenses) mergers. Assume base company decide to get compensation, the company in the profit table reflect the costs and expenses for admission or contingencies, the compensation shall be deducted in advance, with separate confession of an asset, the project information in the balance sheet.


  Outside the table. Off-balance-sheet announced that in notes to the financial. Outside the table there are three kinds of situations:


  (1) to measure announced debt. For measuring liabilities has announced that within the table, but should also in the notes to the financial announced its nature, constitute elements and amount.


  (2) contingent liabilities announced. Contingent liabilities no matter as a potential duty, is still the current responsibilities, all does not meet the requirements for the liabilities of confession, and therefore will not be reflected in the report project, namely, without a confession in the table and announced. But suppose contingent liabilities in accordance with certain conditions, it shall be announced in the notes to the. Or have sheets announced the foundation of rule is, tiny may cause economic benefits from the company's contingent liabilities usually will not be announced. But often occur, or to have greater impact on the company's financial situation and operating effect of contingent liabilities, even if the economic benefits from the company may be tiny, also should be announced, in order to ensure that the accounting information user satisfactory full and detailed information.


  In touch the case pending litigation, the verdict, assuming that is expected to be announced that all or some information to the company a serious whammy effect, the company announced without this information, but should be announced, ruling constitute elements of the pending litigation.


  (3) or have assets announced. Contingent assets as a potential asset, will not be reflected in the report project, i.e. not admitted in the table and announced, together also should not be announced in the notes to the accounting. But the contingent assets is likely to bring economic benefits to the company, should be declared in the notes to the accounting. Or have announced that the content of the assets, usually just announced or have assets constitute elements, the expected financial impact on the company, etc. Contingent assets announced the foundation of rule is: when making contingent assets announced, stable should be special, does not make the accounting information user as announced by the contingent assets must be completed.
