



  Jinan company register open capital account that bank comparison is good?


  Company registration set need to open a door and verification of the company set up in the future to open basic door. So, jinan company register open capital account that bank comparison is good? Other some Banks to check for commercial housing, and the company set up has a lot of customers are almost no business users, so the company register open capital account that bank comparison is good? And a lot of companies registered in will meet bank due to the registered capital of too little, and not willing to accept the opening of a capital verification. Jinan bookkeeping agency company


  Here, jinan bookkeeping agency company after its experience summed up some not too severe bank, reference for new registered company. Two shareholders open capital account is controlled 700 yuan, after the company sets up the basic door open in 500 yuan, cheap about basic door years FeiNong merchant bank management fee of 50 yuan a month.


  Partner jinan financial bookkeeping agency company to recommend to us $399 registered in lixia district national high technology park. Address of registered is explicit. Traffic lunch. But lixia district rules all registered capital necessary to actually realized. Registration time in about one and half months. Also is your registered capital to freeze one and half months. A lot of people can deeply realize that whether it is still a company in lixia district are compared to the right, due to the various rules and regulations are very reasonable lixia district, of course, the high-tech zone is also a good choice.


  Jinan together also launched signing acting accounting, bookkeeping agency company to send registered company!


  In addition we send annual income tax payable or refundable amount, there is your $399 registration fee, can deduct your acting accounting cost. Also is zero cost.
