
济南代办公司注册 完结后怎样和税务联络?


  济南代办公司注册 完结后怎样和税务联络?

  Jinan how company after completion of registration and tax agents contact?

  1 注册完公司的标志即是三证下来了。当你的基本户开好了就能够和税务联络核定税种了。济南代办公司注册

  1 to register the company logo is 3 card down. When your basic door open well can contact tax check and ratify taxes. Jinan company registration agents

  2 济南代办公司注册后怎样和税务联络(疑问集锦)

  2 jinan how after the company registration and tax agents contact highlights (doubt)

  3 问:我想问下,假如公司注册在上海金山区,是新公司,那请求网上报税也有必要去国家税务局,是吗?

  3 q: I want to ask next, if the company registered in Shanghai jinshan district, is a new company, the request online tax will also be necessary to go to the state administration of taxation, is it?

  答复: 是的,其他没有国税的。这儿要阐明的是地税和国税在上海的兼并的

  Answer: yes, the other no duty. Here is to clarify the land tax and national tax merger in Shanghai

  4 问:我看,我们济南市有许多分局, 那我只需随意去个分局 申请网上报税,就行了吗?

  4 q: I see, we have many branch of jinan, and then I just casually to a branch to apply for online tax declaration, line?


  Answer: of course not. You're going to have to find, the member that its first member that will then ask you the kind of moment.

  5 问:我都快半个多月了,专管员不断没找我,却是署理注册的人说帮我核定税种了。

  5 q: I'm more than half a month, the member that constantly didn't look for me, it is acting registered said help me to check and ratify taxes.


  Answer: that is to acting registrant on tax is its phone, member that he deliberately not find you. Member that you should ask them to call you, so have the tax work, the member that moment is to find you.

  6问:我直接打电话到税务报税号, 他会告诉我,专管员是谁吗?

  6 q: I call directly to the tax filing number, he will tell me, who is special?


  Answer: should be so.

  7 问:新的企业在完结济南代办公司注册 流程后,请求网上报税后, 好像要等6个月后才能够网上报国税地税,是吗?

  7 q: the new enterprise after the completion of jinan company registration process agents, the request online after tax, as if to wait after 6 months to online newspaper duty land tax, is it?


  Answer: each area is not completely the same, but is usually 1 ~ 2 months after can make U rod end, end to declare online.

  8问:我税务登记号 是9月15号,好像我这个月就要申报了, 那我去直接去税务报申报就行了,是吧?

  8 q: I am September 15 tax registration number, if I will declare this month, then I have to do is to go directly to tax report, right?


  Answer: yes

  9 问:假如和专管员约好了去税务局那里申请网上报税, 那么当天能拿到 CA证书和usb 棒吗??

  9 q: if the member that and about ready to tax bureau to apply for online tax declaration, so the day can get CA certificate and usb stick??


  Answer: not so fast, the months of practice is to declare the field

  10 问:没想到税务前期工作还这么多我能够找你们济南恒誉进行财政署理吗?

  10 q: didn't expect the tax preparation is so much I can find your financial acting jinan heng reputation?

  答:当然能够 。关于签约济南代办公司注册 做署理记账的客户,我们前期的税务准备工作不收署理费,只需报销有关交通费用就能够了。

  A: of course. About signing jinan company registration agents do acting billing customers, our initial charge tax preparation is not for acting, can only the transportation cost reimbursement.
