
济南财务咨询公司 介绍注册资金新规则


  济南财务咨询公司 介绍注册资金新规则

  Jinan financial consultation company registered capital of the new rules

  济南财务咨询公司 介绍说公司注册资金是国家颁发公司法人经营管理的产业或许公司法人自有产业的数额表现,注册资金是公司实有财物的总和,是公司从事生产经营活动的物质基础,是挂号主管机关核定经营范围和方法的主要依据,新公司法对注册资金有了新的规则。

  Jinan financial consultancy, said the company is issued by national registered capital operation and management of the industry may be the amount of the company as a legal person has its own industry performance, the registered capital is the sum of actual property company, is a company engaged in the production and business operation activities of the material basis, is registered by the competent authority of the approved business scope and method of the main basis, the new company law of the registered capital of the new rules.

  1、济南财务咨询公司 谈到新公司法将注册本钱实缴挂号制改为认缴挂号制,也即是,除法律、行政法规以及国务院决议对公司注册本钱实缴有另行规则的以外,取消了对于公司股东(发起人)应自公司建立之日起两年内缴足出资,投资公司在五年内缴足出资的规则;取消了一人有限责任公司股东应一次足额交纳出资的规则。转而采纳公司股东(发起人)自立约好认缴出资额、出资方法、出资期限等,并记载于公司章程的方法。

  1, jinan financial consulting firm when it comes to the new company law will register contributed registration system to the subscribed registered capital system, that is, except for the laws, administrative regulations and the state council resolution on outside of the company's registered capital contributed a prior rule, cancelled for shareholders (promoter) should be established since the company pay the full payment within two years from the date of the investment company pay the full payment within five years of rules; Cancelled a one-person limited liability company shareholders should be a full specified amount pays rules. To adopt the company shareholders (promoter) independent appointment subscribed capital contribution, investment method, the investment period, etc., and the methods recorded in the company's articles of association.

  2、济南财务咨询公司 /谈到新公司法放宽注册本钱挂号条件。除对公司注册本钱最低限额有另行规则的以外,取消了有限责任公司、一人有限责任公司、股份有限公司最低注册本钱别离应达3万元、10万元、500万元的约束;不再约束公司设立时股东(发起人)的初次出资比例以及货币出资比例。

  2, jinan financial consultancy/when it comes to the new company law relax registered capital registered conditions. In addition to the minimum registered capital for the company to have a further rule, cancelled co., LTD., a one-person limited liability company, joint stock limited company is the minimum registered capital separation should be up to 30000 yuan, 100000 yuan, 5 million yuan of constraints; No longer constrained firms to set up their initial investment proportion of shareholders (promoter) and monetary investment proportion.

  3、济南财务咨询公司 谈到新公司法简化了挂号事项和挂号文件,有限责任公司股东认缴出资额、公司实收本钱不再作为挂号事项,公司挂号时,不需要提交验资报告。

  3, jinan financial consulting company about the new company law and register file simplifies the registered items, a limited liability company shareholder subscribed capital contribution, the company's paid-in capital are no longer as the registered items, the company registration, do not need to submit capital verification report.

  济南财务咨询公司 :http://www.jnqqjz.com/