



  Jinan company registration agents: the export goods write-downs detail - red blunt approach?

  1.对单证完全的:在“生成出口货品冲减明细”中的左面索引窗口选择要冲减的数据,点击红字按钮“冲减出口”,即可进行冲减(有些冲减仍然是先全额冲减再录入没冲减的有些。 济南代办公司注册

  1. The documents are complete, in the "generate export goods write-downs detail" index of the left window choose crossroads of data reduction, click on the red button "write-downs export", can be written (some write-downs still is first full write-downs entry didn't write down some again. Jinan company registration agents

  2. 对前期单证不齐,当期收齐发现差错的(除报关单,核销单以外的差错)的红冲

  2. Documents not neat, to early to collect the current found errors (except for the customs declaration, the verification of error) of red


  (1) the first step in the guide of "collected all export documents detail entry" index of the left window choose used to collect data, click "grade" button and enter the serial number custody, to collect fault not neat papers and documents, this step must be to do.


  (2) the first step in the guide of "produce export goods write-downs detail" index of the left window choose need to written records, click on the "write-downs export" button (red), write down "the record"


  (3) the first step in the guide "export goods detail to declare entry" entry in the new data


  Request pay attention:

  1. 自动生成冲减记载的序号都为Z001,期望将自动生成冲减(负数)的记载自行到出口明细中批改序号,否则可能会构成无法生成明细数据。

  1. The serial number are recorded automatically generate offset for Z001, expectations will be automatically generated write-downs (negative) recorded on their own to the export list correct serial number, otherwise it may constitute unable to make detailed data.

  2. 收齐的时分同一张报关单有多笔记载,不能仅收齐其间几笔,而需要全部收齐,否则一致性查看也会提示单证不齐标志不一致,而无法保存明细数据。

  2. The collected all the time have more pen with a customs declaration form, can't collect it only a few pen, and need to collect all, consistency checking can also prompt sign documents not neat, and can't save the detail data.
