



  Jinan agent registered company of some importance


  Jinan agent registered companies in this industry have a foothold, the enterprise is in constant development, the following will share register an account of some of the information and knowledge.


  1. The company must establish a sound accounting system, because the company has just set up soon, the business is relatively small, entrepreneurs also don't understand the related operation, so you to accounting workload smaller companies, bookkeeping agency institutions can be selected for subscription declaration, delivery business cost around 200-500 per month. Jinan bookkeeping agency fees

  2. 济南代理记账对企业所得税,建账做帐很关键的,一旦你账面上的利润很多的话,那么税率就提高了,因此,日常所购买的设备都要开具发票,吃饭,坐车的票据都要留起来,可以作为你的企业运作资本。

  2. Jinan bookkeeping agency for enterprise income tax, build zhang is crucial for making account book, once you book a lot of profit, rate is raised, therefore, the equipment is purchased in the invoice, have a meal, the traveling notes are to be kept up, can be used as your enterprise operation capital.


  3. The business tax refers to the turnover tax, whatever you have to make money, in the event of the transaction, issue the invoices, tax, income tax is about tax profits, profit is the turnover tax withholding after all kinds of costs by the rest of the money, only to money, only need to income tax.


  4. How to register a company, you will first need to think what good management, how to manage, and then register, or even registered good useless, registered company is need a certain cost, it is not to play.
