



  The industrial and commercial administrative rules of jinan bookkeeping agency company?


  Jinan bookkeeping agency company for work and register an account, the ministry of commerce and industry also needs to obey must discipline, jinan bookkeeping agency company professional mentor is a simple introduction of the industrial and commercial administrative regulations and rules of procedure. The industrial and commercial administrative rules of bookkeeping agency company jinan what?


  1. The county administration for industry and commerce administrative bureau for industry and commerce, and large and medium-sized cities is individual and industrial and commercial door title registration organ. Registration authority can entrust administration for industry and commerce registration authority so name is individual and industrial and commercial door title registration processing. Individual and industrial and commercial door title of administrative divisions is refers to the individual industrial and commercial households where title of counties (cities) and districts. After administrative division to compose with individual and industrial and commercial door operation place where perhaps administrative villages, towns, street community, shopping malls.


  (2) individual and industrial and commercial door title should reflect the profession may be operating characteristics, the main operating activities the professional expression shall follow the classification of the national economy, small professional category in the title or detailed operational projects


  3. The registration organ shall have the right to correct already registered registered not appropriate title of individual industrial and commercial households, the organs at higher levels shall have the right to correct the subordinate has registered registered inappropriate title of individual industrial and commercial households.


  4. Register is individual and industrial and commercial door the title of the request processing, operation scope of the hit a registered advance license, shall request the title prior approval. The title should be approved by registered authority by the cc related departments to deal with the formalities for examination and approval of front.


  5. Prior approval of the individual and industrial and commercial door title retention period is 6 months. The expiry of the preservation, request people still did not deal with individual and industrial and commercial door to establish may change registration, prior approval of the title of the initiative. Requests to one month before the expiration of the period to a written request to postpone the registration authority, subject to consent by the registration organ shelf life can be extended for six months.


  6. Individual industrial and commercial households that intends to change the title shall be submitted to the title of the registration organ for change registration. Title of individual industrial and commercial households shall be through administrative licensing is contained in before operating the project, by administrative license revoked, undo may expires shall not engage in the operations, administrative approval shall be withdrawn, revoked may expires within 30 days from the date of the title of the original registration organ for change registration.
