



Jinan financial consulting firm to introduce professional agent registered company?

济南财务咨询公司说明: 跟着创业者的增多,工商署理注册也随之鼓起,创业者的时间是很名贵的,所以有必要找到专业的工商署理公司帮您在创业之路上省去繁琐的工商业务。那么怎么选择专业的工商署理公司呢?我信赖这也是创业者所关怀的,下面就由自己来介绍一下,期望对我们有用。

Jinan financial consulting company description: with the increasing of the entrepreneurs, have been acting for industry and commerce registration, the entrepreneur's time is very valuable, so it is necessary to find professional acting company of industry and commerce to help you on the road of entrepreneurship save tedious business. So how to choose the professional acting company of industry and commerce? I trust this also care to the entrepreneur, the following will introduce by oneself, hope useful to us.


One of the following both the industrial and commercial registration of acting for black acting not credible:


1. 3 without the organization or yourself:


No fixed work address, no fixed telephone, no business license, intercept or register at the gate of the industrial and commercial bureau hall of the company's registered business. Jinan financial consulting company


2. The contract in the name of your business:


Register in accordance with the company acting practice registration measures for the administration of the rules: acting practicing personnel shall not, in his name, in two (including) above shall not be together acting organizational practice. Acting personnel from acting group, the registration certificate is invalid.


3. The staff of less than three people: work poorly equipped, everywhere the guerrilla war.


4. Acting for industry and commerce business license, the business scope did not indicate the company registered registered acting, acting in the company, for the acting.

5.不以实在身份示人的: 在发布广告或别的公共场所时,不敢以实在的公司名称、公司注册地址、名字等信息示人的,肯定是不可以被信赖,请谨慎托付。

5. A person with true identity is not: in advertising or other public places, not in reality the information such as company name, registered address, name person, certainly can not be trusted, please care trust.


6. The registered address on the business license does not accord with actual work address:


The registered address of the job, is likely to be fake, please before must entrust to the acting group registered address to verify in sex, in case be deceived. Jinan bookkeeping agency which is good


7. Sign or oral promise on the surface is good for you, rather than of the agreement for both sides fair:


Promised not to charge a deposit on the surface, such as very beneficial for you, not fair conditions on both sides, you must be careful, because your id card and other relevant documents and in the hands of black acting, black acting had no talent, not in the industrial and commercial bureau to keep on record, even if you also can not find them. Specification registered company acting organization keep on record in city industrial and commercial bureau have specific information.


8. Use fake, expired, undo engage in business activities, the business license of publication:


Trust before, please go to the jinan city industrial and commercial bureau web query whether the organization's business license by administration of industry and commerce registration registration, whether or not a fake, undo, publication, etc. Please go to the company of jinan city industrial and commercial bureau yearly check system query whether the organization's business license expired, whether normal yearly check.
