
济南代理记账哪家好? 出口退税登记的一般程序


济南代理记账哪家好? 出口退税登记的一般程序

Jinan bookkeeping agency which good? Register the general procedure of export tax refund

1. 济南代理记账哪家好?有关证件的送验及挂号表的领取

1. Jinan bookkeeping agency which good? Registration documents sent to check and receive


Agreed by the relevant departments, companies in the operation of export products business documents and the industrial and commercial registration issued by the administrative department for industry and commerce after confirmed, should be dealt with in 30 days export rebate registered company

2. 退税挂号的申报和受理

2. Declaration of tax registration and acceptance


Company to "export company tax registration form", namely according to the relevant request of the registration table and fill in, build official seal of the company and the related personnel after stamp, together with the export right to agree with documents, such as industrial and commercial registration confirmed confirmed data submitted to the tax authorities, together tax authorities after the review and correct, that is to accept the registration.

3. 填发出口退税挂号证

3. Through the export tax rebate card


Tax authorities received a formal application, after review and correct procedures agreed to by the regulation, issued to the company "export tax rebates to register";

4. 出口退税挂号的改变或注销

4. Registration of change or cancellation of export tax refund


When a company's operating status change or some drawback policy change, should according to actual needs to change or cancellation of tax registration.
