
济南代理记帐公司 什么是代理记帐?


什么是代理记帐? 注册商标流程

Bookkeeping is a what? The registered trademark process

代理记账是指企业将本公司的会计核算工作全部委托给专业记账公司完成,本企业一般只设出纳 (和仓管) 岗位,负责日常收支业务和财产保管等工作。

Bookkeeping agency refers to the enterprise will be the company's accounting work to be done all the entrusted to professional accounting firms, the company general cashier (and warehouse) jobs, only responsible for the daily balance of business and property preservation, etc.


2, bookkeeping service?


Acting accounting business generally divided into service and door-to-door service in two ways:

1) 送达是指客户将准备好的原始凭证等资料送到代理记帐机构或代理记帐机构派人去客户住所取资料,在代理记帐机构进行记帐工作;

1) refers to service the customer original vouchers and other data will be prepared to bookkeeping agency or bookkeeping agency sent customer residence take information, accounting work in the bookkeeping agency;


2) on-site service refers to the bookkeeping agency appointed accounting personnel to the customer home for accounting work.


3, bookkeeping work processes


The end of every month (documents/the door to send someone the door list)


-- -- -- -- -- - accounted for sorting documents -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - the report -- -- -- -- -- -- -- online tax declaration


4, the enterprise should be how to choose bookkeeping company?


Bookkeeping, because the company scale is small, do not have establish account conditions, but that doesn't mean to find a accounting personnel can do account, because of no full-time accounting, should be more careful when daily accounting business operations, often communicate with bookkeeping company, agent billing company should be sent has the ability to do the accounting work personnel to guide the daily work of the contract unit, serious and responsible and combining with actual business to do the financial work accurately in place, avoiding accounting personnel qualifications than bring unnecessary loss to sign unit. The unit price is not the priority when choosing bookkeeping company, first to see whether the generation of accounting institutions, director of the professional ethics and professional quality, and then compare the content of the service and work further. Have a look at the actual operation of accounting personnel professional quality and professional ethics, to choose candidate company is like a commodity, be sure to "goods" than the three.


5, industry is normal fee standards


Bookkeeping service fee by regional, the amount of accounting, accounting of additional requirements and the difficulty of accounting factors.


Service enterprises


300 yuan - 400 yuan/month


Commodity circulation enterprise


A, small-scale enterprises, 300 yuan - 500 yuan/month

B、一般纳税人企业 400元—1000元/月

B, the general taxpayer enterprises, 400 yuan - 1000 yuan/month


Productive enterprises

A、小规模企业 400元—600元/月

A, small-scale enterprises, 400 yuan - 600 yuan/month


B, the general taxpayer enterprises, 500 yuan - 1000 yuan/month


Building and decorative enterprises


300 yuan - 1000 yuan/month


Difference is very big, because the reality of enterprises and enterprise accounting company is required to provide services to the content of the degree may also be different, so the price will be according to actual situation.


Two registered trademarks process

一、办理途径 申请注册商品商标或服务商标有两条途径:

A, to deal with Apply for registered trademarks or service marks have two ways:


(a) entrust a trademark agency designated by the state to handle.


(2) the applicant directly to the trademark office to handle the trademark registration hall.


Second, the conduction steps


(a) commissioned for the trademark agency, the applicant may voluntarily choose any trademark agency designated by the state institutions.

(二)申请人直接到商标局的商标注册大厅办理的,申请人可以按照以下步骤办理:商标注册申请前查询(非必须程序)→ 准备申请书件 → 在商标注册大厅受理窗口提交申请书件 →在打码窗口打收文条形码→ 在交费窗口缴纳商标注册规费 →三到六个月左右商标局发出《受理通知书》→商标注册申请补正(非必须程序)

(2) the applicant directly to the trademark office hall for trademark registration, the applicant can be dealt with in accordance with the following steps: before the application for trademark registration query (not a must) to prepare application form, submit the application to accept the window the trademark registration hall pieces to play receipt of bar code in the code window, pay the fee window trademark registration fees - three to six months or so and trademark office issued the notice of acceptance to trademark registration application (not a must)

三、申请前的查询(非必须程序) 目前一件商标从申请到核准注册大约需要2年以上时间。如果商标注册申请被驳回,一方面损失商标注册费,另一方面重新申请注册商标还需要大约2年时间,而且再次申请能否被核准注册仍然处于未知状态。因此,申请人在申请注册商标前最好进行商标查询,了解在先权利情况,根据查询结果作出判断后再提交申请书。

Three, before applying the query (not a must) is an approval from application to registration of trademarks is about more than 2 years time. If the application for trademark registration was rejected, on the one hand, loss of trademark registration fees, on the other hand it will take about 2 years to apply for a registered trademark of time, and once again to apply for registration can be approved are still unknown. As a result, the applicant prior to application for a registered trademark for trademark query, best understand prior right, submit the application again after a judgment according to the results of the query.


Four, application for trademark registration


(a) in the name of the legal person or other organization applies for trademark registration, application form shall be submitted to the following:


1, build official seal of the applicant's application for trademark registration.


Zhang (2, 6 samples of the application form on the back of one, five), requires clear pattern, specifications for the length and width is not less than 5 cm is not more than 10 centimeters. If the specified color, color 1, color 5, with black and white pattern 1.


3, direct to the hall for trademark registration, submit the applicant's business license copy, and show the original copy of business license; If can't show the original copy of business license, the applicant's business license copy shall be sealed by the applicant. Commissioned for the trademark agency, submit the applicant's business license copy.


4, direct to the hall for trademark registration, submit the agent id photocopy; Commissioned for the trademark agency, submitted to the trademark agent a power of attorney.


5, such as the application for registration of a trademark is a portrait, should be attached to the notarization of the right to the portrait as the trademark registration statement file.


(2) of a natural person in applying for trademark registration, application form shall be submitted to the following:


1, the application for trademark registration applicant's signature.


Zhang (2, 6 samples of the application form on the back of one, five), requires clear pattern, specifications for the length and width is not less than 5 cm is not more than 10 centimeters. If the specified color, color a, color 5, with black and white pattern 1.


3, direct to the hall for trademark registration, submit a photocopy of the applicant's identity card or passport, agent show your identification card or passport original, submit photocopy; Commissioned for the trademark agency, submitted to the trademark agent a power of attorney and the applicant's id card copy.

4、如申请注册的商标是人物肖像,应附送经过公证的肖像权人同意将此肖像作为商标注册的声明文件。 注册费用和时间 商标注册需要按类申请,在一类10个商品名称或服务项目之内,每件商标注册申请规费为1000元,10个以上(不含10个),每超过一项,另加收100元。 委托商标代理机构办理的,申请人应向商标代理机构缴纳商标注册规费和代理费,代理费一般为700元左右,外国人将更贵一些.

4, such as the application for registration of a trademark is a portrait, should be attached to the notarization of the right to the portrait as the trademark registration statement file. Registered trademark registration need according to the type of application, cost and time in a class 10 name of commodity or service within a project, each piece of application for trademark registration fees for 1000 yuan, more than 10 (excluding 10), each more than one item, a fee of 100 yuan. Commissioned for the trademark agency, the applicant shall pay the trademark registration fees and agency fee to the trademark agency, the agency fee is 700 yuan or so commonly, foreigners will be more expensive.


Once our company signed with the enterprise bookkeeping agreement, for the first time will arrange personnel to find out about company business and needs, and handle financial issues (depending on the agreement can be part or the whole of the enterprise financial work for accounting and supervision, statistical data, to meet the needs of the enterprise), after the way provide bookkeeping services as stipulated in the agreement.


All contract customers accounting by the company staff the entire operation, certified public accountants audit, due to take over the industry to which the enterprise belongs is different, so the requirements are not the same as:

1 服务行业,没有库存,公司可以只设出纳岗位,日常与代理记帐公司专管会计沟通,正确处理日常财务事务,避免由于操作不当引起不必要的税务问题

1 service industry, there is no inventory, the company can only set cashier jobs, daily communication with the bookkeeping company specialize in accounting, correctly handle daily financial affairs, avoid unnecessary tax problems caused by improper operation

2 商品流通行业,工业及建筑等行业,由于有库存,所以公司要设仓管和出纳两个岗位,日常与代理记帐公司的专管会计沟通,以达到公司的钱,物,帐准确无误的记录,核算.

2 commodity circulation industry, industrial and construction industries, with inventory, so the company should set two warehouse and cashier jobs, daily communication with the bookkeeping company specialize in accounting, in order to achieve the company's money, and account accurate records, accounting.


3 of the above commodity circulation industry, industrial and construction sectors such as if it is the general taxpayer also involve the problem of value added tax, how both can meet the requirements of the tax of tax burden, and not form a promiscuous tax, attending to cashier and accountant timely communication, to ensure the best interests of the company.


Jinan bookkeeping company: www.jnqqjz.com/